Friday, July 11, 2014

Bits of progress and a giveaway!

Where does time go?! I swear it feels like we just started June and now its already after the 4th. I had a wonderful day celebrating with my friends and family. I took some great photos, but they are on my computer at home and I'm not. I'll post some of those later.


I worked quite a bit on Rose Bower Wedding. My friend isn't getting married for a year and a half but I want it to be done well ahead of time. I didn't take any pictures of my latest progress, but I'll take some and post later.

The Victorian house is coming along nicely. It's a small project that I can work on without dragging all my gear out. I don't have much room to work with. I usually do all my stitching from my bed. I live with my Gram in her basement. Well half the basement. I do have a couch but its on the other side of the room (and usually covered with junk that has no home) I don't mind stitching on the bed, but sometimes the cats think that my stitching is their stitching. In the photo Pippin kept trying to eat my thread.

Cats can be jerks when they want! Also A-Team lol.
Its actually starting to look like a house. I'll try to remember to get pics of my other projects in progress this Sunday while I'm stitching and watching movies at my friends shop.
Parsley is having a giveaway to celebrate becoming an EMT! I don't know if Ive ever mentioned before that I too am an EMT. Its a great profession to be in and I'm always glad to see new people coming into the field. You can read about her experience at her blog Seasons Of My Mind .
Well I spose I should get back to being productive. I'll post some more pics later if we don't loose power from the supposed storms heading our way. Have a great day everyone.


  1. We have a perpetual puppy who likes to help me with my threads and yarn. She is a wonderful helper (?).

  2. Lovely progress. My kitty loves to lie on paper so he tends to decide my chart is a nice place for a snooze while I'm try to stitch from it.
